Abhir Karande

Abhir Karande

Hello there! I'm Abhir. I'm a recent graduate of the University of Virginia School of Engineering (UVa) , where I obtained my Bachelor's in Computer Science . My studies, work, and interests in the areas of computing and electronics are driven by my desire to enable machines to seamlessly collaborate with us humans.

I plan to pursue research in curating generalizable robotic action, interactive perception, and robust manipulative robotics as I am quite fascinated in translating the sensorimotor principles and proprioception that we humans have to robots and applying it to manipulative tasks in situations where relevant information is not known apriori.

I also have a broader interest in exploring the capabilities of digital intelligence and how close it can come to human intelligence. I hope to release some blog articles soon exploring this and related topics and giving my own takes!

With Steve Huffman (Reddit CEO)

San Diego Image

Mount Soledad in San Diego, CA

Aside from technology and work, I have several other passions including classical guitar, jiu-jitsu, climbing, and photography/videography.

More recently, I have been exploring regenerative agriculture. I take a lot of care in the sourcing of the food I eat and am interested in how we can leverage farming and ranching techniques to improve the quality of our soil.

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