My Research, Publications, and Industry Experience Below:
My Research, Publications, and Industry Experience Below:


Machine Learning Research Assistant / about / website /

FloodWatch is a smart city project centered around the development of cyber physical system infrastructure for disaster intelligence and forecasting. The current location of interest for this project is Vietnam.

Presentations & Publications
Developing a Transformer-Based Sensor Verification Service for a Flood Intelligence Application,
Abhir Karande, Andrew Ma, N. Rich Nguyen
Google Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Workshop, 2024
presentation / project page

With a growing network of sensors that provide data that drives flood intelligence, it is imperative that the readings of each sensor are verified for accuracy. This work employs time-series anomaly detection using AnomalyBERT and proposes an automatic mechanism for batch inferencing.

Predicting Flood Severity in Indonesia based on Historical Flooding Events and Time-Series Information
Abhir Karande, Ankit Gupta, N. Rich Nguyen, Tho Nguyen
IEEE Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023
paper / project page

Flooding is a key problem in South Eastern Asia. This research focuses on providing an accurate and robust method for forecasting for flooding by leveraging elevation for locality, precipitation, and rate of increase for wind, tide, and precipitation. The novelty that is provided includes ensemble learning with voting algorithms for LSTM time series models and Regression models leveraging the previously mentioned variables.

Validating Crowdsourced Flood Images using Machine Learning and Real-time Weather Data
Ankit Gupta, Abhir Karande, Adriel Kim, N. Rich Nguyen, Shuo Yan, Shiva Manandhar
2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE), 2022
paper / project page

We propose and demonstrate a pipeline for validating large amounts of crowdsourced images using a convolutional neural network (CNN) and automatic real time weather data retrieval. We make use of multithreading and cross validation for performance/efficiency and accuracy respectively.

Industry Experiences


Machine Learning Engineering/Prototyping Intern


Open Source Core Contributor / about / GitHub /

Hospitality Innovations

Software Engineering Intern / about /

UVa Engineering International Programs Office

Developer / about / website